
記事 画像
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記事 での「artgallery」の検索結果 68
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 12:49 02/01
“Soap bubble window.” 2018.Cup of pottery. Color name: Zaffer.I painted on unglazed pottery.Various ..
タグ: artist Keramiikka artgallery illustration 絵縒り pottery yama_me 일러스트 やまメ
イタドリ:Japanese knotweed.
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 12:00 08/16
drawing_20180805: Japanese knotweed.夏になると、わっさわっさ生えているイタドリ。確か…こんな感じ。
タグ: Kunst スカンポ イタドリ FineArt 虎杖 kunstwerk Japaneseknotweed knotweed 藝術 arte
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 20:10 07/24
“Chopstick-rest.”Finished! I peinted these.It has the shape of an keyhole-shaped tumulus built durin..
タグ: chopstickrest 箸置 handpainted иллюстрация drawing artist ARTS arte arty handmade
完成:“Breath of the earth.”
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 11:48 07/20
【sold out.】“Breath of the earth.”Finished! I painted this.Image of Hokkaido's breath.I plan to sell ..
タグ: arte arty artwork Keramiikka artist drawing art やまメ breath yama_me
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 15:00 07/17
【sold out.】Finished! I painted this.This is Sake(Japanese sake) cup.I plan to sell from the event at..
タグ: art handmade handpainted yama_me illustration sakecap artist ぐい呑み アート artwork
完成:Marimo (moss ball) at Lake Akan.
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 10:00 07/16
Finished! I painted this.Imaged of Marimo (moss ball) at Lake Akan.This Marimo who stored the memory..
タグ: Keramiikka lakeball yama_me marimo artwork 絵縒り artgallery art handmade
完成:This imaged the wind.
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 15:12 07/15
【sold out.】Finished!I painted this. It is an image of Tanmono(Japanese Fabric for Kimono) dancing in..
タグ: drawing painting pottery art illustration artwork 일러스트 アート artgallery
完成:Lily of the valley.
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 09:52 07/14
【sold out.】“Lily of the valley.”Finished. I painted it. Lily of the valley is a flower representing ..
タグ: pottery иллюстрация 일러스트 artgallery アート handmade painting drawing 絵縒り
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 14:09 07/13
タグ: drawing 箸置き arte 前方後円墳 Keramiikka artgallery アート artwork pottery handmade
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 08:51 07/12
コルク製のコースターを2種類作りました。7/28(土)の新千歳空港でのイベントから販売予定です。I made 2 types of cork coaster.I plan to sell from t..
タグ: Coaster 일러스트 艺术 ARTS 藝術 コルク コースター yama_me やまメ Swan
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