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Kamiza(a top seat)
Topics of Japan ] 23:09 01/22
In Japan, there are manners on how to sit in the room. The Japanese businessperson observe the manne..
タグ: top seat Manner business Japanese 日本 上座 下座 タクシー car
Topics of Japan ] 00:18 01/20
In winter in Japan, it's very cold outside... But we have to go out! And then it's necessary for Ja..
タグ: heating 使い捨てカイロ カイロ Japanese winter cold 日本
Shimajirou(Japanese popular character)
Topics of Japan ] 20:50 01/18
In Japan, you can see a Japanese infants who hold a tiger's stuffed animal. Tiger's name is "しまじろう"..
タグ: しまじろう Tiger stuffed animal education infant Japanese 幼児教育 benesse ベネッセ 日本
Topics of Japan ] 22:05 01/17
"信長の野望"("Nobunaga-No-Yabou") is a series of video game for PC, PSP and DS etc. provided by KOEI. I l..
タグ: 信長 信長の野望 Nobunaga ゲーム Japanese histort 戦国 GAME samurai サムライ
luxury brands trend in Japan
Topics of Japan ] 21:35 01/17
It's said that Japanese loved goods of the luxury brands("高級ブランド") before in the world. Young Japane..
タグ: brand ブランド fast fashion ファストファッション Ginza 銀座 Japanese 日本
Prices of iPod
Topics of Japan ] 00:57 01/17
As of Jan 17 in Japan, iPod is the most popular media player in Japan as well as the other count..
タグ: iPod iPhone Walkman Apple Japanese 日本 price 価格
National Center Test for University Admissions
Topics of Japan ] 00:31 01/17
The first day of the National Center Test for University Admissions("大学入試センター試験") began at 9:00 am y..
タグ: National Center Test for University Admi.. 大学 センター試験 受験 Japanese 日本 テスト
Eating manners
Topics of Japan ] 01:24 01/09
Japanese always say "いただきます"("Itadakimasu") with joining their hands in prayer before eating. "Ita..
タグ: Manner マナー いただきます ごちそうさま eating table Japanese 日本
Lookin for a house in Japan
Topics of Japan ] 23:36 01/16
Recession in Japan has a big effect on the housing market and this year the government implement sev..
タグ: house housing USED Japanese 住宅 中古 新築 日本
Shinnen-Kai(New Year's Party)
Topics of Japan ] 20:15 01/12
In January, Japanese businessperson are busy in having "新年会"("Shinnen-Kai") which means new year's p..
タグ: New Year's Party business 忘年会 新年会 Japanese year end party 日本 ビジネス
Kenshin Uesugi
Topics of Japan ] 21:49 01/11
"敵に塩を送る" said by "上杉 謙信"("Kenshin Uesugi") - Japanese: Teki-Ni-Shio-Wo-Okuru  * "敵"("Teki") me..
タグ: Uesugi Kenshin samurai saying 上杉 謙信 戦国武将 名言 敵に塩を送る Japanese
Seijin-No-Hi(Coming-of-Age Day)
Topics of Japan ] 00:24 01/11
Today is Coming-of-Age Day called "成人の日"("Seijin-No-Hi") to celebrate youths who reach the age of 2..
タグ: Coming-of-Age Day 20 twenty 成人の日 成人式 Japanese 祝日 日本
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