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記事 での「Japanese」の検索結果 80
Topics of Japan ] 10:33 01/10
Yesterday, my family participated in "もちつき"("Mochi-tsuki") in the neghborhood and we could get fresh..
タグ: もち mochi Gantan rice cake もちつき お雑煮 正月 Japanese 日本
Topics of Japan ] 23:53 01/09
"漫画"("Manga") is one of the most famouse culture of Japan in the world. Japanese men and women of al..
タグ: manga 漫画 Japanese history Biography education 歴史 伝記 culture
Sound Book
Topics of Japan ] 18:19 01/09
In Japan, there are a lot of sound books for children in the book store. Japanese children use soun..
タグ: education Japanese sound book 音の出る絵本 hiragana katanaka kanji number alphabet caluculation
Topics of Japan ] 17:07 01/09
"名刺"("Meishi") is an essential business tool in Japan and a small card printed with a person's name..
タグ: card Japanese printer 名刺 business meishi case folder 名刺入れ 日本
Aqua Beads
Topics of Japan ] 23:08 01/03
I have two daughters(5-year-old and 7-year-old) and give them "アクアビーズ"("Aqua Beads") as the Christma..
タグ: Toy BEADS アクアビーズ アイロンビーズ おもちゃ Japanese girl gift present プレゼント
Hakone Ekiden
Topics of Japan ] 21:54 01/03
http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/sports/ekiden/2010/news/20100103-OYT1T00646.htm "駅伝"("Ekiden") is a lon..
タグ: ekiden 駅伝 Sports 箱根 hakone race たすき sash runner Japanese
Long line for Fukubukuro
Topics of Japan ] 21:58 01/01
http://news.walkerplus.com/2010/0101/14/ 2,500 people form a long line to get "福袋"("Fukubukuro")..
タグ: custom fukubukuro Japanese 福袋 shinjuku 新宿 Lucky Bag
Akemashite-Omedetougozaimasu(A Happy New Year)
Topics of Japan ] 21:13 01/01
A Happy New Year! 明けましておめでとうございます。(Akemashite-Omedetougozaimasu) 本年も宜しくお願い致します。(Honnenmo-Yoroshi..
タグ: poverb cumstom Gantan 謹賀新年 あけまして new year Japanese 元旦 元日 お年玉
Topics of Japan ] 13:43 12/31
Tonight may be the calmest day in Japan. New Year's Eve is called "Omisoka"("大晦日"), which literally..
タグ: 紅白歌合戦 Japanese そば 大晦日 omisoka dynamaite noodle
Good old days in Japan
Topics of Japan ] 00:03 12/31
If you know more about Japanense culture, please watch two movies below. This movies describes good..
タグ: JAPAN MOVIE 映画 Japanese 昭和 三丁目の夕日 old days
U-Turn rush
Topics of Japan ] 22:30 12/30
http://www.asahi.com/national/update/1230/TKY200912300203.html (source:Aashi Shinbun 2009/12/30) ..
タグ: U-turn Uターン 帰省 Rush ラッシュ Japanese
Topics of Japan ] 18:41 12/30
I'd like to introduce Japanese words used in Japanese company for people working for Japanese owned ..
タグ: business overtime Japanese work 残業 仕事 日本 ビジネス
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