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Mister (Japanese Ver.) KARA
 ■通常盤■KARA CD【ミスター】10/8/11発売価格:999円(税込、送料別) 韓国No.1ガールズ・グループ いよいよ日本デビュー!!K-POPシーンにおいて現在ナンバーワンの人気..
タグ: Mister Japanese Kara K-POP ナンバーワン
Uniqlo in Taiwan
Topics of Japan ] 23:50 02/18
Fast Retailing announced on February 18 that they established the wholly owned subsidiary to develop..
タグ: UNIQLO Fast Retailing TAIWAN H&M GAP ZARA ユニクロ 台湾 Japanese brand
Facebook in Japan
Topics of Japan ] 21:34 02/16
http://trendy.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/pickup/20100216/1031024/ Facebook established the Japanese o..
タグ: Facebook SNS mixi GREE モバゲー Japanese Mobile Phone フェースブック
Topics of Japan ] 21:18 02/14
http://www.soumu.go.jp/menu_news/s-news/02tsushin08_000004.html The Ministry of Internal Affairs ..
タグ: DVB-T terrestrial digital broadcasting ATSC ISDB-T Japanese 地上波デジタル放送 Brazil
Topics of Japan ] 21:49 02/13
The Vancouver Olympics began finally today! I'm sure to become lack of sleep for a while. Recent..
タグ: Olympics Vancouver Mao Asada Aiko Uemura medal Japanese 浅田真央 上村愛子
Giri Choco at Valentine's Day
Topics of Japan ] 20:52 02/13
http://www.toyokeizai.net/life/living/detail/AC/6feffc1c18415068829d2c2c3fc16ef3/ There is a cult..
タグ: 義理チョコ Valentine's Day chocolate present Japanese
Topics of Japan ] 20:02 02/13
http://jp.ibtimes.com/article/biznews/100213/50361.html After "リンリン"("Ling Ling") in April 2008 h..
タグ: 上野動物園 パンダ Japanese China Ueno Zoo Panda
Chinese tourists
Topics of Japan ] 21:59 02/11
Due to the influence of the world economic crisis and new influenza, the number of foreign tourists ..
タグ: chinese tourist Onsen Akihabara Japanese 中国人 観光客 温泉 秋葉原
National Foundation Day
Topics of Japan ] 23:25 02/10
February 11 is called "建国記念の日"("National Foundation Day") in Japan and it's a national holiday. Ho..
タグ: National Foundation Day Japanese TOYOTA 建国記念の日 祝日
3D TV and BD Player
Topics of Japan ] 22:21 02/09
http://av.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/20100209_347971.html On February 9, Panasonic announced t..
タグ: Japanese Panasonic TV BD Player BD Recorder Blu-ray avatar スカパー!HD 3D
Ryoma Sakamoto
Topics of Japan ] 21:48 02/07
NHK broadcasts the period play drama "大河ドラマ"("Taiga Drama") through one year from January to Decembe..
タグ: 明治維新 坂本 龍馬 samurai Japanese Sakamoto RYOMA 大河ドラマ
Kitty and Jewel Pet
Topics of Japan ] 22:58 02/06
Is Hello Kitty popular in your country? Hello Kitty is popular among the both children and adults..
タグ: sanrio Hello Kitty Jewel Pet Japanese サンリオ キティ ジュエル・ペット
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