記事 での「idiy」の検索結果 13件
TOEIC SWの試験内容が5月から変わっていたとは!?
気が付けば今度の日曜日(6月7日)はTOEIC SWのテストです!うかつでした(-_-;)。申し込みはしたものの、仕事の忙しさに追われて忘れてしまっていました。しかもTOEIC SWは受験票が送られて..
タグ: TOEIC SW 受験票 toeic sw 対策 idiy TOEIC SW出題内容変更
タグ: idiy ものは必ずしもthingsではない
タグ: 英語勉強法 TOEIC勉強法 idiy QQ English カランメソッド
theとaのどっちを使う? I worry about an English teacher
I've been taking an English conversation lesson on a website for six months.
In general, I take f..
タグ: theとaの違い idiy
Laid off ~会社を辞める leaveとquitの違い。
My assistant was laid off today.
She'd worked in the company for two years and six months.
I r..
タグ: idiy leave quit laid off 違い
A company related to ours will close
A company related to ours will close down this weekend.
This particular affiliate will lay-off※ ..
タグ: idiy fireとlay-off,redundantの違い 英文日記
I have had a backache
I've had a backache for two weeks.
I think it was caused by excessive stretching during my train..
タグ: idiy 英文添削 腰痛を英語でいうと
I told my boss my decision
Yesterday I told my boss I had decided to quit the company.
He was very surprised and tried to p..
タグ: persuadeの使い方 英文日記 idiy
I got an offer letter!
I have finally obtained an offer letter from a prospective company today.
I'm extremely happy.
タグ: idiy 英文日記
Final interview
This afternoon, I attended a final interview for a potential new job.
I had understood this to b..
タグ: idiy recruitment 英文日記
We love Costco.
My family and I went to a large shopping center named Costco last week.
My wife adores Costco.
タグ: COSTCO 英文日記 idiy
タグ: idiy アイディー 英文添削 格安添削