
記事 画像
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記事 での「arte」の検索結果 71
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 10:05 11/20
Angel_20181027_03 :20181027. Paper, Oil pastel. 6.5×7cm.https://www.facebook.com/yamame.art/posts/21..
タグ: illustration arty Angel kunstwerk Kunst FineArt ARTS arte artist artwork
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 08:20 11/15
‟Angel.”:20181027.Paper, Oil pastel.6.5×7cm.
タグ: Angel kunstwerk Kunst illustration scratchart scratchpaint taide FineArt 아트 artwork
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 12:46 11/05
‟Angel.”:20181027. Paper, Oil pastel. 6.5×7cm.
タグ: illustration taide scratchpaint arty kunstwerk 아트 scratchart やまメ yama_me Kunst
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 10:59 11/02
Fairy.:20181027. Paper, Oil pastel. 6.5×7cm.
タグ: kunstwerk fairy yama_me やまメ drawing art arte artist arty ARTS
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 11:08 11/01
Cosmos. :20181027. Paper, Oil pastel. 6.5×7cm. -----▼Facebook pagehttps://www.facebook.com/yamame.ar..
タグ: やまメ yama_me COSMOS Star arty art arte ARTS artist 아트
“La imago.”:2018
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 10:32 10/17
“La imago.”2018/Paperback, Paper clay, Wire, Twig, Yarn, Feather, Moss, Tea, Coffee, Acrylic paint, ..
タグ: 羽根 おたるBookArtWeek otaru 小樽 なまらや アート
Scratch painting.
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 18:30 10/15
Scratch painting. Oil Pastel, Paper.
タグ: kunstwerk Kunst FineArt artist arty art taide illustration scratchart drawing
イタドリ:Japanese knotweed.
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 12:00 08/16
drawing_20180805: Japanese knotweed.夏になると、わっさわっさ生えているイタドリ。確か…こんな感じ。
タグ: Kunst スカンポ イタドリ FineArt 虎杖 kunstwerk Japaneseknotweed knotweed 藝術 arte
“May your days be happy.”
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 10:46 07/26
“May your days be happy.”Blue bird, Mushroom, Moon and star, Four leaf clover, Cherry blossom flower..
タグ: CHERRYBLOSSOM pastelart bird Mushroom illustration fourleafclover Star taide искусство FineArt
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 20:10 07/24
“Chopstick-rest.”Finished! I peinted these.It has the shape of an keyhole-shaped tumulus built durin..
タグ: chopstickrest 箸置 handpainted иллюстрация drawing artist ARTS arte arty handmade
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 10歳   15分   6月7日   adobe camera RAW   arte   As I Am   Avan Lily   Disturbance   dtab   e+   HUMMINGBIRD   IS04   LOST   MIRU 2018   Now Foods   PIXUSMG8230   saga   TOUR   Vik Sahay   XEA20YAJP_N