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記事 での「五旬節平和의마을」の検索結果 49
公保医 服務満了日
美笑乭父の楽しい日常 ] 23:45 04/20
오늘은 公保医 服務満了日이다. 3年前 訓練所에서 나와 教育받았었는데 벌써 満了라니... 어제 会食의 余波로 좀 疲困하여 아침먹으러 내려갔더니 마침 콩나물해장국이 있어서 맛있게 먹었..
タグ: 五旬節平和의마을 公保医 燦禑・恃禑
Farewell of Nr.Kim
美笑乭父の楽しい日常 ] 23:01 03/23
In Yeoju downtown, the head of the facility, JS Kim, Nr.ES Kim, AN.YJ Kim and I gathered together fo..
タグ: 五旬節平和의마을
A problem of Nr. ES Kim and other stuffs
美笑乭父の楽しい日常 ] 22:19 03/09
When I went to the facility early in the morning, Nurse ES Kim did not come. Recently she had made m..
タグ: 五旬節平和의마을 엠북
Rio's first birthday party
美笑乭父の楽しい日常 ] 20:33 02/01
It's already February! I went to work Yeoju again in the morning. Weather grows warmer. In the f..
タグ: 五旬節平和의마을
Seolnal : the 1st day of lunar calendar
美笑乭父の楽しい日常 ] 23:24 02/03
Today is Seolnal, the first day of lunar calendar. I and my wife went to parents' house, and had..
タグ: 名節 누나 民採 父母님 姑母 妹兄 丈人丈母님 五旬節平和의마을
Year-end tax adjustment
美笑乭父の楽しい日常 ] 21:11 02/09
In the morning I spoke over the telephone with Mrs. Sunghee Huh in Yeoju Community Health Center, an..
タグ: 五旬節平和의마을
Kick-off meeting for the year 2011; Aminoacid fluid injection
美笑乭父の楽しい日常 ] 22:10 01/21
I attended the kick-off meeting(mass) for the year 2011 in the morning. The director priest administ..
タグ: 父母님 五旬節平和의마을 丈人丈母님
Cute puppies of the facility
美笑乭父の楽しい日常 ] 16:50 01/20
After having lunch, nurses and me visited the kennel of the facility. It was my first time to visit ..
タグ: 五旬節平和의마을 강아지
Helped making ppt file for the presentation
美笑乭父の楽しい日常 ] 16:34 01/18
For the presentation of nurse ES Kim about a plan of operation, I helped to make the ppt file. And t..
タグ: 五旬節平和의마을
Ministry of Health and Welfare visits this facility!
美笑乭父の楽しい日常 ] 19:26 01/17
The beginning of this week. Between meal a nurse brought.In the afternoon, as expected, Ministry of ..
タグ: 五旬節平和의마을
Two sick kids of the facility
美笑乭父の楽しい日常 ] 21:56 01/10
I had a plan to go to Samsung Seoul Hospital today afternoon, but Prof. Sang-il Lee and Dr. JS Yu we..
タグ: 五旬節平和의마을 谷沢市都市整備局
It snowed fairly again
美笑乭父の楽しい日常 ] 13:30 01/12
From yesterday evening it snowed in some degree, I think about 3-4cm height. But the whether has bee..
タグ: 雪景 五旬節平和의마을
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