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記事 での「Twilight」の検索結果 95
キョウのタンゴ : brutal
一日一語 ] 00:00 08/19
Gym was brutal. (P75) If someone express something unpleasant with brutal honesty or frankness , ..
タグ: Twilight
キョウのタンゴ : periphery
一日一語 ] 00:14 08/14
he was in my dreams nearly every night but always on the periphery never within reach. (p68) If s..
タグ: Twilight
キョウのタンゴ : broach
一日一語 ] 00:01 08/11
But he didn't broach the subject until I was in my seat. (p71) When you broach a subject , especi..
タグ: Twilight
キョウのタンゴ : emanate
一日一語 ] 00:04 08/03
I sometimes felt emanating from him.(P54) If a quality or feeling emanates from you , or if you e..
タグ: Twilight
キョウのタンゴ : aggravate
一日一語 ] 00:10 08/08
I was still aggravated , not in the mood for chitchat. (p65) If someone or something aggravates a..
タグ: Twilight
キョウのタンゴ : sullen
一日一語 ] 00:08 08/07
I assured him sullenly. (p66) Someone who is sullen is bad tempered and does not speak much. そ..
タグ: Twilight
キョウのタンゴ : scowl
一日一語 ] 00:20 08/06
we scowled at each other in silence.(p65) When someone scowls , they frown to show that they are ..
タグ: Twilight
キョウのタンゴ : fume
一日一語 ] 00:36 08/05
"Thank you," I waited , fuming and expectant. (p65) Fumes are the unpleasant and often unhealthy..
タグ: Twilight
キョウのタンゴ : flit
一日一語 ] 00:03 08/04
surprise flitted across his face. (p65) if you flit around , you go to lots of places without sta..
タグ: Twilight
キョウのタンゴ : hostile
一日一語 ] 00:06 08/02
I was still frightend of the hostility .(P54) If you are hostile to another person or an idea , y..
タグ: Twilight
キョウのタンゴ : babble
一日一語 ] 01:01 08/01
I should be avoiding him entirely after my brainless and babbling yesterday .(P54) If someone bab..
タグ: Twilight
キョウのタンゴ : knit one's brows
一日一語 ] 00:12 07/31
His eyebrows knit together . (P49) If you knit your brows , you frown because you are angry or wo..
タグ: Twilight
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