
記事 画像
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記事 での「Twilight」の検索結果 94
キョウのタンゴ : swell
一日一語 ] 02:14 09/27
A swell of sympathy washed over me.(P.101) If the amount of size of something swells , it becomes l..
タグ: Twilight
キョウのタンゴ : slump
一日一語 ] 01:43 09/26
,and then as he walked slowly through the door , his shoulders slumped.(P.101) If something such as..
タグ: Twilight
キョウのタンゴ : flicker
一日一語 ] 00:35 09/25
His eyes flickered to Edword again.(P.101) If a light or flame flickers , it shines unsteadily. If..
タグ: Twilight
キョウのタンゴ : snicker
一日一語 ] 00:22 09/24
He muffled a snicker.(P.98) If you snicker , you laugh quietly and disrespectfully , for example at..
タグ: Twilight
キョウのタンゴ : gingerly
一日一語 ] 20:56 09/23
He held me away from his body gingerly.(P.97) If you do something gingerly , you do it in a careful..
タグ: Twilight
キョウのタンゴ : convulse
一日一語 ] 00:12 09/21
I swallowed convulsively , my stomach heaving.(P.95) If someone convulses or if they are convulsed ..
タグ: Twilight
キョウのタンゴ : prick
一日一語 ] 02:21 09/20
" Then I want you to carefully prick your finger with the lancet , ...".(P.95) If you prick somethi..
タグ: Twilight
キョウのタンゴ : ominous
一日一語 ] 01:30 09/19
The sharp sound as the gloves snapped into place against his wrists seemed ominous to me.(P.94) If ..
タグ: Twilight
キョウのタンゴ : awe
一日一語 ] 02:42 09/18
Angela looked surprised , and slightly awed. (P.94) Awe is a feeling of respect and amazement that ..
タグ: Twilight
キョウのタンゴ : ditch
一日一語 ] 00:44 09/17
"It's healthy to ditch class now and then." (P.93) A ditch is a long narrow channel cut into the gr..
タグ: Twilight
キョウのタンゴ : smolder
一日一語 ] 01:23 09/16
His eyes still smoldered at me.(P.92) If something smoulders , it burns slowly , producing smoke bu..
タグ: Twilight
キョウのタンゴ : butterfly
一日一語 ] 01:11 09/15
"No."I didn't feel like mentioning that my stomach was already full - of butterflies..(P.91) If you..
タグ: Twilight
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