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記事 での「Sirach」の検索結果 4
Ray7live! ] 17:07 08/31
photo by Rhoneil Victor de Leon They received the use of the five operations of the Lord, a..
タグ: 知識 知性 知恵 理性 知性と理性 Sirach Wisdom Rayによる福音書
Ray7live! ] 21:49 10/02
A New Friend at HomeOriginally uploaded by ~AaronLam~ (very inactive)A faithful friend is a sturdy s..
タグ: Being there Sirach
Ray7live! ] 08:40 04/19
William Smith ClarkOriginally uploaded by kz.hata第3章-3 言葉と環境r110419g0303068 His friend will be like ..
タグ: Sirach クラーク博士 少年よ、大志を抱け ことわざ 類は友を呼ぶ
Be Moderate
"May I have some more of that delicious Tofu, please? I would be truly grateful..."Origina..
タグ: 自制 節度 ことわざ Sirach self-control アイスクリーム temperance