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記事 での「Mother Teresa」の検索結果 21
Ray7live! ] 08:37 03/21
マザーテレサの言葉 Originally uploaded by benauhc76考える時間を持ちなさい祈る時間を持ちなさい笑う時間を持ちなさいそれは力の源それは地球で最も偉大な力それは魂..
タグ: 平和 マザーテレサ 微笑んで forgiveness LOVE mercy peace Mother Teresa
Ray7 ] 16:58 09/25
Mother Teresa, a photo by Marquette University on Flickr. If we have no peace, it is because we hav..
タグ: 尖閣問題 マザーテレサ Mother Teresa
Ray7live! ] 13:41 09/23
Mother Teresa, a photo by Marquette University on Flickr. If we have no peace, it is because we hav..
タグ: マザーテレサ Mother Teresa 尖閣問題
Mother Teresa, a photo by Marquette University on Flickr. If we have no peace, it is because we hav..
タグ: 尖閣問題 マザーテレサ Mother Teresa
Ray7 ] 10:25 03/20
Inner Spirit, a photo by *Underestimated* on Flickr. "To keep a lamp burning we have to ..
タグ: LOVE peace Mother Teresa マザーテレサ 平和 英会話上達法
Inner Spirit, a photo by *Underestimated* on Flickr. "To keep a lamp burning we have to ..
タグ: LOVE 英会話上達法 平和 Mother Teresa マザーテレサ peace TPP モチベーションを上げるには 「個人的には」
If you really want to love
Ray7live! ] 21:13 09/11
Originally uploaded by benauhc76If we really want to love, we must learn how to forgive.(心から愛したいのなら、..
タグ: マザーテレサ peace LOVE Mother Teresa 平和
Mother Teresa Wallpaper Quote, a photo by FredMikeRudy on Flickr. If you judge people, you ha..
タグ: Mother Teresa LOVE peace マザーテレサ 平和 日本の政治家
We belong to each other
Ray7live! ] 16:44 09/11
Mother Teresa Peace, a photo by ourPotential on Flickr. If we have no peace, it is because we h..
タグ: Mother Teresa LOVE peace マザーテレサ 平和
Feed just one
Ray7live! ] 16:45 09/11
Mother Teresa, a photo by fadzter on Flickr.   If you can't feed a hundred people, th..
タグ: Mother Teresa LOVE peace マザーテレサ 平和 poverty 貧困 飢え 乾き
Too many children?
Ray7live! ] 16:35 09/11
Mother Teresa on children, a photo by Adoremus_in_aeternum on Flickr. How can there be too many..
タグ: 育児 マザーテレサ 出産 子供たち 妊娠 peace 平和 LOVE Mother Teresa
I am a little pencil
Ray7live! ] 17:07 08/06
Mother Teresa Wallpaper Quote, a photo by FredMikeRudy on Flickr. If you judge people, you ha..
タグ: 平和 LOVE マザーテレサ peace Mother Teresa 日本の政治家
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