記事 での「diving」の検索結果 107件
More Shrimps
I also love other shrimps of Amaji and Okinoshoma.
I met many kind of shrimps in 3 days diving.
タグ: diving shrimp
I wanted to meet you.
I wanted to meet you again since I met you first time last year.
Togetsunome-ebi, 3cm in length..
タグ: diving shrimp
Midsummer greetings.
How are you?
I'm fine and playing same as always.
タグ: diving
Pinky Pink
I like small one. So I always require my guide to show pinky things.
I like pink one So I alway..
タグ: diving Macro
Ouba East channel
Date: 28/5/2011
Location: Ouba, Abaiang, Kiribati
Type: Drift
Conditions: Salt, Boat, Current
タグ: Kiribati diving Ouba
Ouba West channel 1
Date: 28/5/2011
Location: Ouba,Abaiang,Kiribati
Type: Drift
Conditions: Salt Boat Current
タグ: Kiribati diving Ouba
Ouba West channel 2
Date: 29/5/2011
Location: Ouba,Abaiang,Kiribati
Type: Drift
Conditions: Salt Boat Current
タグ: Kiribati diving Ouba
Betio (Tank wreck)
Date: 5/6/2011
Location: Betio,Tarawa,Kiribati
Type: Wreck
Conditions: Salt Boat
Day/Night: D..
タグ: Kiribati diving WWⅡ wreck Tank LCT
One fine Sunday afternoon, we were talking over some cans of beer.
We discussed about a name of our..
タグ: Kiribati diving
The First Shot of New Camera
I went to Amaji for first diving of this year.
And I tried to take photos by New Camera XZ-1.
タグ: diving
West Betio
Date: 16/4/2011
Location: West Betio,Tarawa,kiribati
Type: Drift,Photo
Conditions: Salt,Boat,Wa..
タグ: diving Kiribati