
記事 画像
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記事 での「calligraphy」の検索結果 16
yama_me * mo - ヤマメ*モ - ] 08:01 03/21
タグ: yama_me やまメ calligraphy カリグラフィー Thank you illustration イラスト 珪藻土 art アート
yama_me * mo - ヤマメ*モ - ] 21:58 03/03
円山にあります[エレガリア]さんにて、カリグラフィーお試しレッスン。https://t.co/qUcJt67DjX「Thank You Card」制作。やはり先生の書かれたものは軽やかで美しいですね。..
タグ: sapporo カリグラフィー 札幌 円山 エレガリア calligraphy
"書" of the day #10 [仁何住彼律御]
It's been a while to do calligraphy. Maybe I did the last practice on May. Today I learned how to..
タグ: calligraphy
"書" of the day #9 [怒涛]
After writing 天地日月, I copied 怒涛 from a textbook. I was thinking to try to write this word after wa..
タグ: calligraphy football
"書" of the day #8 [天地日月]
It's been a while to do calligraphy. Today, I copied out writing from a textbook and made 2 works ..
タグ: calligraphy
"書" of the day #7 [百花開]
I did the first calligraphy of the year. I wrote "百花開". When I do calligraphy, I use a textbook and ..
タグ: calligraphy
"書" of the day #6 [年賀状作成]
"書" of the day is "making new year's card". I'm writing with a writing brush. After I practiced writ..
タグ: calligraphy
"書" of the day #5 [蘭亭序より]
"書" of the day was [蘭亭序より]. The other day I copied 6 letters from The Lantingji Xu. This is one of t..
タグ: calligraphy
"書" of the day #4 [小筆の練習]
"書" of the day was [小筆の練習]. Yesterday, I practiced to write a letter with a small writing brush. I w..
タグ: calligraphy
"書" of the day #3 [攻撃]
"書" of the day is "攻撃". Now, our Yellows travel to Oita and prepare the game. Though their situati..
タグ: football calligraphy
"書" of the day #2 [挑戦]
 "書" of the day is "挑戦". My idea of this word is not only challenging somebody to a fight but maki..
タグ: calligraphy
I've displayed the picture on the top page.
Good morning! I've displayed the picture, that was the work of art written by Ms. Tanaka, on the top..
タグ: football calligraphy
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