
記事 画像
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記事 での「artist」の検索結果 144
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 09:39 09/19
painting_20170819_Bless:【sold out.】祝福-----I paint it on a plate.This hand-paint pottery is one-of-a-..
タグ: artwork painting drawing illustration やまメ art Dish yama_me pottery 祝福
painting_20170822_Auspicious bird:瑞鳥
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 10:06 09/18
painting_20170822_auspicious 【sold out.】bird:瑞鳥-----I paint it on a plate.This hand-paint pottery is..
タグ: happy PHOENIX bird auspicious 瑞鳥 doodle Keramiikka 陶器 絵付け 일러스트
painting_20170824_Enchanted Forest
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 13:51 09/15
【sold out.】painting_20170824_Enchanted Forest-----An image of Enchanted Forest that was the stage of..
タグ: 魅惑の森 GoodLuck 絵付け アート イラスト FineArt ドローイング scratchart artgallery artist
painting_201708_Toyohira river_02 (sold)
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 23:32 09/08
painting_201708_Toyohira river_02ink color name:Toyohira river, by 70 color of Sapporo's landscape色名..
タグ: иллюстрация artist painting illustration artwork water FineArt yama_me 札幌景観色 やまメ
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 23:30 09/07
今回も良い仕事が出来そう。感謝。 It is going to be a good artwork this time as well. I really appreciate that.      ..
タグ: artist taide 아트 pendrawing ドローイング drawing illustration イラスト アート
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 10:21 08/25
今回は3枚の陶器皿に絵付けしました。還元という方法で焼いてくださるのだそうで、完成が楽しみです。-----This time I painted it on three unglazed potter..
タグ: yama_me やまメ drawing painting pottery art illustration artwork artist artgallery
painting_20170822_auspicious bird:瑞鳥
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 10:38 08/23
painting_20170822_auspicious bird:瑞鳥-----I painted on unglazed pottery.This hand-paint pottery is on..
タグ: yama_me drawing やまメ painting Dish pottery illustration art artwork artist
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 16:06 08/20
painting_20170819_Untitled-----I painted on unglazed pottery.This hand-drew pottery is one-of-a-kind..
タグ: 陶器 Keramiikka иллюстрация 일러스트 絵付け アート イラスト ドローイング scratchart artgallery
painting_20170516_forest fairy:森の妖精
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 23:18 08/09
【sold out.】painting_20170516_forest fairy.I drew it on a plate.This hand-paint pottery is one-of-a-k..
タグ: アート イラスト ドローイング 陶器 Dish artwork artist artgallery Keramiikka 絵付け
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 17:41 07/24
------------------------★盛況御礼★皆々様、ありがとうございました♪レポートは此方 ↓http://yama-me-mo.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2017-08-1..
タグ: yama_me モノヴィレ art sapporo ハンドメイド handmade artwork artist artgallery EVENT
painting_20170520_Angel's egg(sold)
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 23:46 07/11
painting_20170520_Angel's egg(sold)This hand-drew pottery is one-of-a-kind.-------------今回、5枚の素焼き皿に絵..
タグ: yama_me やまメ drawing painting pottery Dish illustration art artwork artist
painting_20170619_wind (Sold)
yama_me * mo - やまメ*モ - ] 23:14 07/05
painting_20170619_wind (Sold)This hand-drew pottery is one-of-a-kind.-----------先月くらいから描いていました作品ですが、..
タグ: yama_me やまメ drawing painting Dish pottery art illustration artwork artist
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