記事 での「Apple Vision Pro」の検索結果 6件
Apple Vision Pro: Can Software Updates Save the Struggling AR Headset?
One year after its highly anticipated launch, the Apple Vision Pro remains far from the blockbuster ..
タグ: Apple Vision Pro
Apple Vision Pro: ソフトウェアの更新で販売が再活性化する可能性は?
Appleの拡張現実(AR)ヘッドセット、Apple Vision Proは、価格が3,500ドルと非常に高額であるにもかかわらず、その初年度は波乱含みのスタートを切りました。Appleは大きな期..
タグ: Apple Vision Pro
Apple Vision Pro 2 könnte früher als erwartet erscheinen
Apples Vorstoß in das XR-Wearable-Segment war vielleicht nicht so erfolgreich wie mit dem iPhone o..
タグ: Apple Apple Vision Pro
Apple Vision Pro 2 might arrive sooner than expected
Apple’s foray into the XR wearable segment may not have stirred the same kind of success that it..
タグ: Apple Apple Vision Pro
Apple potrebbe scegliere la tecnologia Samsung per il suo visore Vision Pro economico
Apple sta ancora cercando di capire la ricetta migliore per un Apple Vision Pro conveniente e si è d..
タグ: Apple Apple Vision Pro
Apple could pick Samsung's tech for its cheap Vision Pro headset
Apple is still trying to figure out the best recipe for an affordable Apple Vision Pro and it has ..
タグ: Apple Vision Pro