The wedding ceremony of Jongho
Today I need not to go my part time job for reduced patients of the clinic. The same in all Sunday o..
タグ: 医局 結婚式 雪景
It snowed fairly again
From yesterday evening it snowed in some degree, I think about 3-4cm height. But the whether has bee..
タグ: 雪景 五旬節平和의마을
In a snowy country
For heavy snow, I didn't go back to my home yesterday, when I had supposed to go. I heard it wil..
タグ: 雪景 五旬節平和의마을
Heavy snow in Yeoju
During night heavy snow fell in this central area, so when I got up and opened the window of my room..
タグ: 雪景 中央大病院
My Swan pelted with snow
Recently it had snowed a lot! The wether was also very cold... It snowed again yesterday night. For ..
タグ: 自動車 雪景 五旬節平和의마을
ヒルトンニセコビレッジ デラックスツインのお部屋#58985;#59130;
開放的な窓からは ニセコの大自然が眺められ ..
タグ: ニセコスキー ヒルトンニセコビレッジ ゴンドラ レストラン 東山魁夷 雪景 大自然 北海道 羊蹄山 デラックスツイン