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記事 での「football」の検索結果 213
JEF 0-1 Kashiwa Reysol -Chiba Bank Cup 2012-
It's been a while to write an article, but I can't help doing it. Because I'm really excited to watc..
タグ: football
UKに憧れて ] 11:48 02/13
マンチェスターユナイテッド×リバプール 2-1 スアレスが久方ぶりのスタメン復帰、試合開始前に握手をするか否かにも注目が集まった今回の一戦。 スアレスが出した答えは拒否というものでした。 正..
タグ: football リバプール Liverpool
Fabio Capelo quits as England manager after meeting with FA
UKに憧れて ] 11:15 02/09
ファビオカペッロがイングランドの代表監督を辞任したことをFAは認めた。 カペッロはFAのチェアマン、ディビット・バーンスタインと事務総長アレックスホーンとのウエンブリーでの会談後に代表監督を辞任..
タグ: イングランド代表 England football サッカー Capelo カペッロ
最近の ボール は、予想以上に 進化 している様で。。。良く飛び、良く曲がるらしいですが?・・・                                                    ..
タグ: football サッカー
JEF transfer information as of January 24
During the football off-season, we know some announcements from our own favorite team, one of them i..
タグ: football
ちばぎんカップ Chiba-Bank Cup 2012
The 18th Chiba-bank Cup, JEF United vs Kashiwa Reysol, is held at Fukuda Denshi Arena on Sunday, Feb..
タグ: football
Our game is not over yet! The fourth round of the Emperor's Cup on Dec.17
This weekend JEF travel to Out-Sourcing Stadium Hihondaira. This is one of my favorite stadiums beca..
タグ: football
Dear my Yellows
"Hirokazu Miki has resigned as JEF president." The news came out of the blue. Last night it was rele..
タグ: football T's beak
The really difficult game for Yellows
Last Saturday, FC Tokyo succeeded in being promoted to J1, while JEF missed the last train which too..
タグ: football T's beak
What do you think about JEF?
What do you think about JEF? What sort of football do you like? What style do JEF have to choose? ..
タグ: football
The radio show of JEF on Bay FM, Friday Nov.18
You'll catch the live show about JEF on Bay FM the next day. Ken Gamada is the host for the program ..
タグ: football
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