In the Likely Event
Izzy(Isabeau) Astorは帰省のために搭乗した飛行機での旅に何も期待するものはなかった。しかし、彼女の隣に座った青い瞳が魅力的なNate Phelanと話が弾み楽しい旅路になるに違いない..
タグ: america Afghanistan
Soldiers from U.S. Army
FILE - In this Sept. 23, 2009 file photo, soldiers from the U.S. Army's 3rd Battalion, 509th Inf..
タグ: diorama Afghanistan 1/35 M106 M252 TRUMPETER dragon
U.S. Marines with Alpha Company-Task Force Raider, ...
FILE - In this photo taken Tuesday, Oc..
タグ: Afghanistan
26th Infantry take defensive positions
I love NY のトランクスってwwwwww
FILE - In this May 11, 2009 file photo, soldiers from the ..
タグ: Afghanistan